Healthy Society CSR Activities for Sustainable Community Development

Kimchi Academy

Pulmuone Foundation’s Kimchi Academy is a program where our children, multicultural families and foreign visitors can experience the kimjang,

a culture of making and sharing kimchi with neighbors which was listed as a UNESCO Cultural Heritage, and taste the Korean traditional dish they made on their own. The Kimchi Academy, one of the most popular programs of the Pulmuone Foundation, provides opportunities for our children to get familiar with the traditional food and develop balanced eating habits. Foreign tourists and visitors are finding the program very helpful in understanding Korean traditional culture and recognizing the uniqueness and values of Kimchi, one of the world’s popular healthy food.





  • The Kimchi Academy is presented by Museum Kimchikan, the nation’s first kimchi museum established by Pulmuone and the Pumuone Foundation.



18,900 graduates

of Kimchi Academy have experienced kimjang and tasted their kimchi

(from 2015 to 2018)

Love Earth Fund & Love Neighbor Fund

Pulmuone’s funding from the Love Earth Fund and the Love Neighbor
Fund is operated on a transparent and non-discriminatory basis.

The Love Earth Fund comes from 0.1 percent of Pulmuone’s annual corporate sales, and the Love Neighbor Fund is raised by donations from executives and employees. The funding is spent on promoting wholesome food culture, carrying out various activities for maintaining, improving and protecting the global environment, and supporting neighbors in need.
The Love Earth Fund and the Love Neighbor Fund are the backbone
of Pulmuone Foundation’s CSR activities for nature and humanity.





CSR Volunteer Group ‘LOHAS Designer’

The Pulmuone Foundation coordinates and supports activities of the LOHAS Designer, a CSR volunteer group of Pulmuone corporation.


Employees of Pulmuone are actively engaged with volunteering in local communities to fulfill the company’s mission of loving neighbors. With Pulmuone’s values and professionalism in mind, the LOHAS Designer is promoting various CSR activities, including the Wholesome Snack Program that shares Pulmuone's healthy snacks with neighbors,
the Kimchi Sharing Program that donates kimchi to neighbors in need,
the Stray Animal Care Program at local abandoned pet centers for ensuring animal welfare, and the Pulmuone Forest Program for planting and maintaining trees.





OVER 90%

of Pulmuone employees are engaged with community volunteering